
Le 25 Sep 2016 par didier

Search by color
25 Sep 2016

A new functionnality is now available on the site :

search by color

If you choose List>Search by color, you can select either base or structure color (by selecting respective checkboxes), and use a color picker (click on the colored zone) to select the overall color you wish to search for.

The slider ranging from 0 to 100 gives the approximate strictness in color matching : 0 means the very same color (very few marbles will come up for this value), 100 means a roughly similar color. Usually, a value of 10 should give you good result.

You can exclude transparency from the base color search : it is often difficult to define the accurate color for transparent glass. If you check this, tranparent base color marbles will be filtered out of the search.

Search by color input

The search will show you the list of the closest colored marbles, given colors, and accuracy level slider:


Search by color result list

I was about to allow transparency exclusion for structure color, when I realize that there were no transparency used in structure color for the Mega/Vacor marbles... Strange, no ?

Please try it and let me know what you think...



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